Tag Archives: avicii


22 Tou

2013 was the year that catchy songs completely dominated our radios, Pandora stations, and Spotify stations.  You’ll hear that song, you begin to like it, you eventually memorize the lyrics, and then you and your friends drunkingly sing it at a club or at a really bad karaoke night at Applebee’s. At this point, the song is etched into your brain, and unfortunately for you, no matter how much you “like” the song, it just won’t leave your brain – AT ALL.

Between the 100,000 times your favorite radio station would play this song, all of the commercials that feature the song on tv, and the fact that it seems like EVERYBODY around you is singing it (including your weird uncle from Atlantic City), you realize that you have officially fallen victim to the Annoying Song Syndrome, or ASS. Yes, you have fallen victim to the ASS.

With that said, here are 7 songs from 2013 that went from a FAVORITE JAM to a song that you’d like to not hear in the year 2014…

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27 Lok

Feeling my way through the darkness

They tell me I’m too young to understand



I tried carrying the weight of the world


Wish that I could stay forever this young

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Didn’t know I was lost

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Wake Me Up

27 Hei

With the lyrics still playing in my head I started to think about my daughter, who lives with bipolar disorder, and our experiences due to her illness.  She is 24 now and has a child of her own.  Due to her illness she currently lives at home with my husband and I as she works diligently to get back on her feet.  I have two other children, a son who is 26 and a younger daughter who is 22.  However, they both live on their own.

With that in mind, I have had moments when the stressors are so great that I’ve wondered if things are ever going to change.  It would be easy to just say, “Just wake me up when it’s over!”  That way I wouldn’t have to face the challenges that parents of a child with a mental illness face on a daily basis such as the perpetual, emotional roller coaster ride in regard to my daughter’s moods, the financial strain of taking care of an adult child with mental illness, the wear and tear on my relationship with my husband and other children, and the nagging concern I have in regard to whether or not my daughter has made it to her appointments and whether or not I should get involved in how she conducts her life, as well as other unique challenges.

After pulling into the drive-way, and turning the ignition off, I sat for a moment in my car with silence surrounding me.  I sat alone thinking how nice it would be if everything my husband and I are working towards just fell into place.  The picture I imagined in my mind was my husband and I sitting down to a celebration dinner.  I imagined that as we talked we congratulated one another on a job well done, as far as raising our children.  As we smiled at one another we clinked our wine glasses together and said, “Congratulations!  Now it’s time for us!”  With the blink of an eye the image faded, and I got out of the car and headed inside the house.  That’s not our reality, at least not yet.

And it was as I ran up the steps that I realized that I would never want to wake up when it’s over!  Imagine what I would miss!  I now have a beautiful granddaughter that I get to help take care of!  Additionally, I believe that it is in experiencing that we live!  Yes, some days are difficult to get through, and there are times when things just don’t make sense.  And then there are those moments that I want to hold onto forever, like the moment I saw my daughter hold her daughter for the first time and the moment when I realized how far my daughter has come in relation to her illness.  She is an amazing mother and headed down a very healthy path.  Our family has come far as well, and that my friends is enough for a celebration!  We are not lost.  We are right where we are supposed to be!

So, I have to ask, would you want to wake up when it’s over?

Growing stronger…



    Floatin on a cloud

  • I will be strong

  • Avicii at the K-Rock Centre

    10 syys

    Thanks to Peter at The Goodie Bag, I had the opportunity of a lifetime to photograph one of the biggest names in techno/house music, AVICII.

    For the complete article and photos, click here.